financial freedom
Big Potential
Start your investing journey with us today.
We are committed to empowering modern people to improve their financial wellbeing and resilience by providing access to a diversified investment portfolio comprising high quality, income-producing assets.
Drawing on a solid track record and a strong network, we aim to deliver lasting value through an attractive dividend and capital appreciation over time, always holding fast to our commitment to transparency.
We envision a company that is constantly evolving and growing, with and for its investors and shareholders.
our main goal –
Real Estate Investing
Potential Future Plans
Putting diversification at the heart of our investment approach, we aim to allocate in the future a small portion of our investment capital to private equity, pursuing higher returns and maintaining acceptable levels of risk at once. The focus areas will be acquisition, investment, and co-investment opportunities in a wide variety of high-growth companies, including, but not limited to listed and private businesses operating in the IT, Fintech, Blockchain, and Healthcare sectors.
Aside from the positive environmental impact, renewables have proven increasingly profitable and resilient, generating attractive returns on investment, and providing high cash margins through diverse and scalable applications. With a focus on the fast-growing solar and wind segments, we aspire to incorporate to our renewable energy investment strategy small to medium-sized projects at an early development stage, combining long-term investment horizon with sustainable measures.
Global Wealth: Συγχώνευση με τη δημιουργία της εταιρείας ολικής διαχείρισης επενδυτικών κεφαλαίων Η WealthAvenue PLC εισηγμένη από το 2022 στο Χρηματιστήριο Αξιών Κύπρου μόλις ανακοίνωσε ότι ολοκληρώθηκε η Έκτακτη Γενική Συνέλευση για την ταυτόχρονη συγχώνευση της με τις GMM Global Money Managers AIFM Ltd (GMM AIFM) και GMMGlobal Money Managers Ltd (GMM UCITS). Στην συνέλευση συμμετείχε είτε αυτοπροσώπως είτε μέσω πληρεξουσίου το 83% των δικαιωμάτων ψήφου των…